Somos uma dupla na vida e a cuidar de vidas. Cumplicidade é a palavra que nos define. É a palavra que nos acompanha nas conversas que desafiam as emoções e o pensamento. A palavra que marca presença quando escolhemos um filme, um passeio pela cidade, um clube de jazz, um concerto. Gostamos de viajar e de viver lugares com história. Gostamos do aroma da maresia e colecionamos areia de todas as praias.
Com esta realidade como pano de fundo, aliada à nossa inquietação por novos saberes, escolhemos ser Coaches Profissionais, certificados e credenciados pela ICF. Cada um no seu tempo!
Helena Anjos, Psicóloga, ousou ser Coordenadora da Equipa de Coaches nos CTT em 2000, com um impacto extraordinário nas equipas, aquando da urgência de mudança de atitudes face ao novo. Foi um desafio!
António Delgado, Engenheiro, trabalhou largos anos como coordenador de equipas de TI e de Projetos no âmbito dos RH. Em 2018, abraçou o Executive Coaching e é Certificado em Team e Group Coaching.
Cuidamos, com rigor, ética e paixão, de si, das suas equipas, da sua empresa. Fazemos Coaching Profissional ICF, uma Arte Maior!
A nossa equipa é o resultado de uma parceria entre dois Coaches certificados pela ICF, com:
Uma sólida formação em Coaching e elevada maturidade profissional e emocional.
Temos experiência comprovada em desenhar processos de Coaching tailor-made, assim como em promover e dinamizar workshops e webinars multiculturais.
Um histórico de cinco anos na presidência do Chapter da ICF Portugal, com o orgulho de ter colocado o país no mapa do mundo do Coaching.
Uma vasta experiência empresarial, em áreas estratégicas onde o desenvolvimento contínuo das pessoas é fulcral. Duas décadas de experiência em liderança de equipas e gestão de projetos permitem compreender e integrar as necessidades dos clientes e entregar respostas adequadas e eficazes.
Curiosidade intelectual. Todos os livros podem ser mestres de Coaching. Também as conversas, os filmes, a pintura, a música são peças inspiradoras na pesquisa de novos saberes e novos sentires.
Helena showed understanding self-demonstrated commitment to self-development learned enabling insight and learning, outcome and action orientation, use of models and techniques. It would be my honor to recommend her and work with her again. I therefore recommend her for her EMCC Accreditation.
Certifico que he Supervisado a Helena Anjos por 25 horas en su rol Profesional. Su amplitud de escucha, de cercanía, paciencia y presencia sin juicios así como su amorosidad y el compromiso con la reflexión interna genera valores para destacar en el desempeño de su tarea que he podido comprobar.
Helena Anjos is a sensitive person, with valuable listening, a love of life, people and Human Development processes. She has an admirable journey in the service of professional development, she is a psychologist, analyst group, coach, with extensive experience in groups and teams, ICF official mentor, and now coach’s supervisor, a person guided by Seeing the phenomenon in a multifaceted way. It is a privilege to have Helena Anjos in the group of Supervisors aware of her role in the Coaching World. It is an exponential asset for the profession and for colleagues.
Moments with Helena contain the eternity of being present and aware. She as the precious gift of uplifting while challenging. I sense a vertical transparency within Helena as she can transfer it to a radical trust partnership. With her authenticity and vulnerability, she enables me to see underneath my surface and explore the power of being honest and humble. Working with Helena vulnerability feels like courage. The uncomfortable journey of self-discovery makes me feel even stronger and willing to know more about what it feels not knowing.
A Helena é uma inspiração. O seu gosto pela vida, o empenho que coloca no que faz e no que acredita cria um clima estimulante à sua volta. Durante cerca de dois anos tive o privilégio de criar e construir em conjunto com a Helena algo que perdurará para o futuro. Estou grata pela experiência vivida e pelo caminho que trilhamos. A determinação da Helena permitiu remover barreiras e construir «a pulso» uma área de desenvolvimento de excelência nos CTT. Obrigada pela pessoa que é.
Life gave me the opportunity to know Maria Helena. Is one of those persons that really puts a mark on you. Is an excellent communicator and an outstanding professional on the area of Coaching and Mentoring. Above all, is a very humble human being full of values and ethics. I am grateful for her contribution to my personal and professional development.
A melhor profissional na área com quem tive o privilégio de aprender! Obrigada Maria Helena Anjos por tudo o que me ensinaste e por tornares melhor a vida dos teus Coachees e da empresa CTT!
Felicidade é poder contar com o brilhantismo da Helena. Mãe da Ética portuguesa de Coaching, é assim que a vejo. Personalidade ímpar, reconheço-me nela quando olho em frente! Um obrigada especial, do fundo do coração!
Helena is a star coach with deep knowledge of people and highly respectful. She have the ability to understand you as a person and to make the right questions. She is very intuitive and uses also systematic approach to guide her intuition. She is also very emphatic and assertive with strong sense of ethics. Whoever wants to receive top professional coaching, should contact Helena.
Maria Helena é Psicóloga e Coach, fez um excelente trabalho como presidente da ICF e tem grande experiência na área de Coaching de Grupo e de Equipa nos CTT. Formação dinâmica e Grupanalítica. É sempre um prazer poder partilhar contigo ideias e práticas.
Working with and learning from Helena is a big opportunity for me. She is a very sensitive person and a great coach. I learned a lot about Group and Team coaching, Internal coaching, and generally about coaching from the teacher Maria Helena Anjos, she is always ready to share her knowledge, her experience, her incredible methods and tools used during the coaching process. Her way to use Art as an intervention method is just amazing. To conclude, every moment I share with Helena as colleagues, as her student or simply as friends is a privilege for me!
A Helena é uma excelente profissional, com muita sabedoria e competência. Uma Coach e mentora inspiradora a quem estou pessoalmente muito grata pelo trabalho e dedicação.
A Maria Helena Anjos é uma Coach experiente que pode ajudar a mudar o ethos institucional! Recomendo!
The sessions that I had with Helena were a real pleasant surprise for me and a true discovery of myself, that made me grow both personally and professionally.
From the beginning, she put me at ease, defining a safe and open space for me to be able to talk and share freely without fear of judgement. Usually, this is very hard for me.
Helena has an incredible intuition and is very skilled as a coach to support and guide me toward my desired outcomes. During my 8 sessions with her, she helped me to identify my main pain areas, better ways to deal with stress and conflict situations as well as break up thought patterns that were holding me back.
It has been a pleasure to be coached by Helena and I can recommend her to anyone who is looking for professional coaching.
The journey that we traveled together, and alongside in partnership, lives inside of me in my every moment as a person, and as I work and live as a Coach. Maria Helena shared her enormous soul with intention and love in creating the space that was the container that she held for me to grow through the many and varied challenges and thoughts I brought to our sessions. I was always struck by her finesse at reading through the clutter and help me to make sense of the data that was flying around in my brain, and transform it into information, testament to her craft, her life experience, her wisdom. Helena’s greatest gift to me is her capacity to be vulnerable – an invaluable characteristic of courage and self-respect that she openly shared with me and one which freed me to honour within myself and then gift back to Helena. This level of presence and use of self as a human being and as one, in my work as a Coach, is precious learning of our work together. I am filled with gratitude for the wind that blew Maria Helena and I in the same path and will never let her go. Sawubona Helena and I know you see me too.
To improve and change you need to understand the deep roots of your behaviour, and Maria Helena can really guide you in the discovery of yourself. With her this flows natural and intuitive. It’s inspiring what you learn about yourself after a session that seemed to be nothing else but just a relaxed conversation. We have being working for a while now and it’s making a difference. She gave me no option, I must deeply recommend her.
Excelente trabalho no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional através de metodologias de Coaching individual e de grupo. Foco total no indivíduo.